Writing a custom Reporter¶
Reporters are the components who take the all the violations found in the files analysed and output them in an appropriate format. As an example, NEAL ships with two builtin formatters: CLI and ARC, the former to pretty print the errors in the command line and the latter to integrate with Arcanist (Phabricator’s command line interface).
The interface for creating a reporter currently consists of a single method:
module type REPORTER = sig
val name : string
val report : severity -> Ctx.ctx -> fix -> unit
And the definition for the sevirity and fix types is as follows:
type severity =
| Error
| Warning
| Other
type fix =
| Suggestion of string
Using a custom reporter¶
- Custom reporters must be compiled to a .cmxs file, which is OCaml’s dynamic library format (as described here);
- They must have .reporter suffix before the .cmxs extension, e.g. arc.reporter.cmxs;
- You must tell NEAL the path to your reporter (using the -f/–reporter configuration flag).
After that NEAL should already be report violations using your new reporter.
Sample reporter (ARC)¶
As example, here’s the simplest reporter so far, the ARC reporter mentioned above:
module Arc = struct
let name = "arc"
let report severity ctx (R.Suggestion fix) =
let line = Loc.get_line ctx in
let severity' = R.string_of_severity severity in
Printf.printf "%s:%d %s\n" severity' line fix