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Getting Started

To add lint-checks to your project, simply add the relevant artifact in your app/module’s build.gradle file.

dependencies {
  lintChecks "com.uber.lint-checks:lint-checks:x.y.z

Lint Modules

Here’s a list of lint modules that this project provides:

Java/Kotlin Lint Checks

lintChecks "com.uber.lint-checks:lint-checks:x.y.z

Android Lint Checks

lintChecks "com.uber.lint-checks:lint-checks-android:x.y.z

RxJava Lint Checks

lintChecks "com.uber.lint-checks:lint-checks-rxjava:x.y.z
The list of individual lint checks in each module can be found here

Integrating In An Existing Codebase

Integrating new tooling into an existing codebase can be a pain. Luckily, Android Lint makes it easy to start using lint by providing a baseline. A baseline lets you take a snapshot of your project and then uses the snapshot as a baseline for future inspection runs.

To create a baseline add the following in your build.gradle file.

android {
  lintOptions {
    baseline file("lint-baseline.xml")
More info on baselines can be found in the official documentation

Enabling/Disabling Lint Checks

There are cases when a particular lint check is not applicable to your codebase or when you want to enable a lint check that’s disabled by default.

You can use Android Lint’s lintOptions to customize your own setup.

android {
  lintOptions {
    // Turns off checks for the issue IDs you specify.
    disable 'RxJavaDistinct'
    // Turns on checks for the issue IDs you specify. These checks are in
    // addition to the default lint checks.
    enable 'FrameworkPair'

For more info on lintOptions, take a look at the official documentation