
This module deals with Fiber configurations.

There are 3 way of setting Fiber configurations: config file, environment variable and Python code. The priorities are: Python code > environment variable > config file.

Config file

Fiber config file is a plain text file following Python's configparser file format. It needs to be named .fiberconfig and put into the directory where you launch your code.

An example .fiberconfig file:

Environment variable

Alternatively, you can also use environment variables to pass configurations to Fiber. The environment variable names are in format FIBER_ + config name in upper case.

For example, an equivalent way of specifying the above config using environment variables is:

FIBER_LOG_LEVEL=debug FIBER_LOG_FILE=stdout FIBER_BACKEND=local python ...
Python code

You can also set Fiber config in your Python code:

import fiber.config as fiber_config
def main():
    fiber_config.log_level = "debug"
    fiber_config.log_file = "stdout"
    fiber_config.backend = "local"

Note that almost all of the configurations needs to be set before you launch any Fiber processes.


Config(self, conf_file=None)

Fiber configuration object. Available configurations:

key Type Default Notes
debug bool False Set this to True to turn on debugging
image str None Docker image to use when starting new processes
default_image str None Default docker image to use when image config value is not set
backend str None Fiber backend to use when starting new processes. Check here for available backends
default_backend str local Default Fiber backend to use when backend config is not set
log_level str/int logging.INFO Fiber log level. This config accepts either a int value (log levels from logging module like logging.INFO) or strings: debug, info, warning, error, critical
log_file str /tmp/fiber.log Default fiber log file path. Fiber will append the process name to this value and create one log file for each process. A special value stdout means to print the logs to standard output
ipc_admin_master_port int 0 The port that master process uses to communicate with child processes. Default value is 0 which means the master process will choose a random port
kubernetes_namespace str default The namespace that Fiber kubernetes backend will use to create pods and do other work on Kubernetes