Source code for h3._h3shape

from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod

[docs] class H3Shape(metaclass=ABCMeta): """ Abstract parent class of ``H3Poly`` and ``H3MultiPoly``. """ @property @abstractmethod def __geo_interface__(self): """ """
[docs] class H3Poly(H3Shape): """ Container for loops of lat/lng points describing a polygon, possibly with holes. Attributes ---------- outer : list[tuple[float, float]] List of lat/lng points describing the outer loop of the polygon holes : list[list[tuple[float, float]]] List of loops of lat/lng points describing the holes of the polygon Examples -------- A polygon with a single outer ring consisting of 4 points, having no holes: >>> H3Poly( ... [(37.68, -122.54), (37.68, -122.34), (37.82, -122.34), (37.82, -122.54)], ... ) <H3Poly: [4]> The same polygon, but with one hole consisting of 3 points: >>> H3Poly( ... [(37.68, -122.54), (37.68, -122.34), (37.82, -122.34), (37.82, -122.54)], ... [(37.76, -122.51), (37.76, -122.44), (37.81, -122.51)], ... ) <H3Poly: [4/(3,)]> The same as above, but with one additional hole, made up of 5 points: >>> H3Poly( ... [(37.68, -122.54), (37.68, -122.34), (37.82, -122.34), (37.82, -122.54)], ... [(37.76, -122.51), (37.76, -122.44), (37.81, -122.51)], ... [(37.71, -122.43), (37.71, -122.37), (37.73, -122.37), (37.75, -122.41), ... (37.73, -122.43)], ... ) <H3Poly: [4/(3, 5)]> """ def __init__(self, outer, *holes): loops = [outer] + list(holes) for loop in loops: if len(loop) in (1, 2): raise ValueError('Non-empty H3Poly loops need at least 3 points.') self.outer = tuple(_open_ring(outer)) self.holes = tuple( _open_ring(hole) for hole in holes ) def __repr__(self): return '<H3Poly: {}>'.format(self.loopcode) def __len__(self): """ Should this be the number of points in the outer loop, the number of holes (or +1 for the outer loop)? """ raise NotImplementedError('No clear definition of length for H3Poly.') @property def loopcode(self): """ Short code for describing the length of the outer loop and each hole Example: ``[382/(18, 6, 6)]`` indicates an outer loop of 382 points, along with 3 holes with 18, 6, and 6 points, respectively. Example: ``[15]`` indicates an outer loop of 15 points and no holes. """ outer = len(self.outer) holes = tuple(map(len, self.holes)) outer = str(outer) if holes: out = outer + '/' + str(holes) else: out = outer return '[' + out + ']' @property def __geo_interface__(self): ll2 = _polygon_to_LL2(self) gj_dict = _LL2_to_geojson_dict(ll2) return gj_dict
[docs] class H3MultiPoly(H3Shape): """ Container for multiple ``H3Poly`` polygons. Attributes ---------- polys : list[H3Poly] List of lat/lng points describing the outer loop of the polygon """ def __init__(self, *polys): self.polys = tuple(polys) for p in self.polys: if not isinstance(p, H3Poly): raise ValueError('H3MultiPoly requires each input to be an H3Poly object, instead got: ' + str(p)) # noqa def __repr__(self): out = [p.loopcode for p in self.polys] out = ', '.join(out) out = '<H3MultiPoly: {}>'.format(out) return out def __iter__(self): return iter(self.polys) def __len__(self): """ Give the number of polygons in this multi-polygon. """ """ TODO: Pandas series or dataframe representation changes depending on if __len__ is defined. I'd prefer the one that states `H3MultiPoly`. It seems like Pandas is assuming an iterable is best-described by its elements when choosing the representation. when __len__ *IS NOT* defined: 0 <H3MultiPoly: [368], [20], [6]> 1 <H3MultiPoly: [632/(6, 6, 6, 6, 6)], [290/(6,)... 2 <H3MultiPoly: [490/(6, 6, 10, 10, 14, 10, 6)],... 3 <H3MultiPoly: [344/(6,)], [22], [6], [10], [6]... 4 <H3MultiPoly: [382/(18, 6, 6)], [32], [6], [18... when __len__ *IS* defined: 0 (<H3Poly: [368]>, <H3Poly: [20]>, <H3Poly: [6]>) 1 (<H3Poly: [632/(6, 6, 6, 6, 6)]>, <H3Poly: [29... 2 (<H3Poly: [490/(6, 6, 10, 10, 14, 10, 6)]>, <H... 3 (<H3Poly: [344/(6,)]>, <H3Poly: [22]>, <H3Poly... 4 (<H3Poly: [382/(18, 6, 6)]>, <H3Poly: [32]>, <... """ return len(self.polys) def __getitem__(self, index): return self.polys[index] @property def __geo_interface__(self): ll3 = _mpoly_to_LL3(self) gj_dict = _LL3_to_geojson_dict(ll3) return gj_dict
""" Helpers for cells_to_geojson and geojson_to_cells. Dealing with GeoJSON Polygons and MultiPolygons can be confusing because there are so many nested lists. To help keep track, we use the following symbols to denote different levels of nesting. LL0: lat/lng or lng/lat pair LL1: list of LL0s LL2: list of LL1s (i.e., a polygon with holes) LL3: list of LL2s (i.e., several polygons with holes) ## TODO - Allow user to specify "container" in `cells_to_geojson`. - That is, they may want a MultiPolygon even if the output fits in a Polygon - 'auto', Polygon, MultiPolygon, FeatureCollection, GeometryCollection, ... """ def _mpoly_to_LL3(mpoly): ll3 = tuple( _polygon_to_LL2(poly) for poly in mpoly ) return ll3 def _LL3_to_mpoly(ll3): polys = [ _LL2_to_polygon(ll2) for ll2 in ll3 ] mpoly = H3MultiPoly(*polys) return mpoly def _polygon_to_LL2(h3poly): ll2 = [h3poly.outer] + list(h3poly.holes) ll2 = tuple( _close_ring(_swap_latlng(ll1)) for ll1 in ll2 ) return ll2 def _LL2_to_polygon(ll2): ll2 = [ _swap_latlng(ll1) for ll1 in ll2 ] h3poly = H3Poly(*ll2) return h3poly def _LL2_to_geojson_dict(ll2): gj_dict = { 'type': 'Polygon', 'coordinates': ll2, } return gj_dict def _LL3_to_geojson_dict(ll3): gj_dict = { 'type': 'MultiPolygon', 'coordinates': ll3, } return gj_dict def _swap_latlng(ll1): ll1 = tuple( (b, a) for a, b in ll1 ) return ll1 def _close_ring(ll1): """ Idempotent """ if ll1 and (ll1[0] != ll1[-1]): ll1 = tuple(ll1) + (ll1[0],) return ll1 def _open_ring(ll1): """ Idempotent """ if ll1 and (ll1[0] == ll1[-1]): ll1 = ll1[:-1] return ll1
[docs] def geo_to_h3shape(geo): """ Translate from ``__geo_interface__`` to H3Shape. ``geo`` either implements ``__geo_interface__`` or is a dict matching the format Returns ------- H3Shape """ # geo can be dict, a __geo_interface__, a string, H3Poly or H3MultiPoly if isinstance(geo, H3Shape): return geo if hasattr(geo, '__geo_interface__'): # get dict geo = geo.__geo_interface__ assert isinstance(geo, dict) # todo: remove t = geo['type'] coord = geo['coordinates'] if t == 'Polygon': ll2 = coord h3shape = _LL2_to_polygon(ll2) elif t == 'MultiPolygon': ll3 = coord h3shape = _LL3_to_mpoly(ll3) else: raise ValueError('Unrecognized type: ' + str(t)) return h3shape
[docs] def h3shape_to_geo(h3shape): """ Translate from an ``H3Shape`` to a ``__geo_interface__`` dict. ``h3shape`` should be either ``H3Poly`` or ``H3MultiPoly`` Returns ------- dict """ return h3shape.__geo_interface__